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Crunching Concepts: A Parliamentary Privilege Primer

13 December 2023 | CaseSnappy Team

An image of statues inside the Houses of Parliament, Westminster, London, UK.


Rolling along with our 'Crunching Concepts' series, today, we explore the concept of parliamentary privilege. Integral to the UK’s constitutional framework and the functioning of its parliamentary democracy, understanding parliamentary privilege is vital. Our aim is to unpack this complex term and shed light on its implications.

What is Parliamentary Privilege?

Parliamentary privilege refers to the set of legal immunities and protections bestowed on Members of Parliament (MPs) and Members of the House of Lords, enabling them to carry out their duties with no fear of legal repercussions. Tracing its roots back to the English Bill of Rights in 1689, it's a cornerstone of the UK's unwritten constitution. Its crucial aspects encompass Freedom of Speech, Exclusive Cognisance (each House's inherent right to manage its affairs), and protection from arrest in certain circumstances.

Why is Parliamentary Privilege Important?

The importance of parliamentary privilege within the UK's constitutional setup is extensive:

1. It ensures that MPs and Lords can engage in candid, forceful debates in Parliament, enabling them to scrutinise important issues and hold the government account without fear of legal consequences.

2. It safeguards the independence of Parliament and upholds the separation of powers in the UK’s constitutional landscape.

3. It allows parliamentarians to represent their constituents effectively and scrutinise legislation, thus ensuring a well-functioning parliamentary democracy.

Dissecting Parliamentary Privilege Through Case Law

The understanding of parliamentary privilege gets sharpened when reviewed through these landmark cases:

R v Chaytor [2010] UKSC 52, [2011] 1 AC 684: Here, MPs unsuccessfully claimed Parliamentary Privilege to avoid prosecution for expenses fraud. The ruling clarified that the privilege does not extend to MPs' conduct outside parliamentary proceedings.

Stockdale v Hansard [1839] 9 Ad & El 1; 112 ER 1112: This established that the House of Commons' publication of a defamatory statement didn't fall under parliamentary privilege, leading to the enactment of the Parliamentary Papers Act 1840.

Pepper v Hart [1992] UKHL 3, [1993] AC 593: This milestone case established the principle of using Hansard (the official record of parliamentary proceedings) to aid statutory interpretation under certain circumstances, raising questions about parliamentary privilege's boundaries and operation.

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